12. Regulations Management

Rulebook Manager

  1. The Project Management Company will act as the regulation manager.

  2. The Project Management Company does not have the authority to change the Rulebook contrary to the changes specified in Article 35.

Duties of the Rulebook Manager

The duties of the regulation manager are as follows:

  1. Managing the administration related to the creation, amendment, and abolition of Rulebook.

  2. Managing the administration related to the format of Rulebook.

Method of Changing Rulebook

  1. Shareholders other than the regulation manager may at any time make requests and proposals for the creation of new Rulebook or for changes and additions to the existing Rulebook.

  2. However, unless otherwise specified by law or the articles of incorporation, new creations, changes, and additions to Rulebooks will be made unless opposed by more than half of the voting rights of shareholders who hold at least 10% of the voting rights.

  3. Notwithstanding the preceding two paragraphs, provisions within these Rulebook that set resolution requirements (including but not limited to Article 30 can only be changed if shareholders holding the proportion of voting rights specified in those provisions vote in favor, unless otherwise specified by law or the articles of incorporation.

Publicizing Rulebook

  1. The regulation manager must thoroughly publicize Rulebook that are established, amended, or abolished through a designated online chat tool.

Effectiveness and Expiry of Rulebook

  1. The effectiveness of Rulebook will generally commence from the enforcement date specified in those Rulebook.

  2. When old Rulebook are abolished and new Rulebook are established, the effectiveness of the old Rulebook generally expires on the enforcement date of the new Rulebook.

Doubts About the Effectiveness and Interpretation of Rulebook

  1. In case of doubts regarding the effectiveness or interpretation of Rulebook, inquiries should be made to the regulation manager.

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