4 The Project Management Company

Project Management Company

  1. In these regulations, the term "Project Management Company" refers to the business operator who is contracted by the Company to perform the necessary operations to smoothly conduct this Project.

  2. At the time these regulations were established, the Company plans to select Planet Labs Inc. as the Project Management Company.

Scope of Work of the Project Management Company

The responsibilities of the Project Management Company are as follows, provided they do not contravene any laws:

  1. Property-related:

    1. Selection of the Target Properties

    2. Confirmation and arrangement of property rights with the religious corporation Ryogonji

    3. Assistance with selection of the accommodation management company

    4. Assistance with placing orders with the accommodation management company

  2. DAO-related

    1. Management of the DAO

    2. Progressing and recording of meetings, and sharing these records

    3. Communication and sharing information with shareholders

  3. Legal Affairs

    1. Assistance with selection of attorneys

    2. Assistance with the Company's payment of corporate and property taxes

  4. Reporting Tasks

    1. Sending business performance reports

  5. Other Necessary Tasks

As subcontracting fees related to the above operations, the company will pay the business operating company 15% of the funds raised from investors, in addition to paying 10% of the company's pre-tax net profit each year.

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